English explorer named Steven Marcus pornography world "pornotopiey" *. Just like every time generates its own utopia, so each time its pornotopiya; pornotopiya reflects whether exaggerated, distorted as if - social circumstances of his time. / * Marcus S. Umkehrung der Moral. Sexualitat und Pornographie im victorianischen England. Frankfurt. 1979. /Try to look as drawn image of a modern Western scholars pornotopii *. This is actually a list of themes, motifs, themes and ideas contained implicitly in modern western videopornografii. The main topic is the theme of insatiable lust total. Pornotopiya - a dream come true sensualist, "objects" is always there, ready, waiting eagerly copulation. "Hero" is always in a state of "predorgazma" and when orgasm occurs, it is only a pretext to search for a new orgasm. Truly fabulous country where people eat and drink endlessly, not to satisfy hunger and thirst. "The whole world pornotopiytsa - writes G.Shmidt - focused in his genitals. He lives insofar as satisfied or satisfied. Quench lust means no longer want, and it pornotopii socially dangerous act. Sexual satisfaction - that the offender consent, dangerous man, ejaculato praecox political rebellion **. / * Anders G. Die Antiquirtheit des Menschen. Munchen. 1980; Schmidt G. Wo Sie begehren, konnen Sie nicht lieben / / Konkret - Sexualitat. H. 5. 1983; Mayer A. - E. Marchen fur Onanisten. Opium fur impotente / / Konkret - Sexualitat. H. 3. Hamburg. 1981; Pornotopia. Die Obszone und die Pornographie in der literarischen Landschaft / Hrsg. E. Mertner, H. Mainusch. Hamburg. 1983.** Schmidt G. / / Konkret - Sexualitat. H. 5. 1,983. S. 20. /
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